Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 5 March, there will be a special service at 7.30 pm.


A book, Linking Parishes, Harvesting Friendship that tells the story of the St. Luke's link to Rwanda has now been published and is available for purchase.


Services are now back to normal times after covid

Sunday School starts in church and then moves to the meeting room.

You can listen to recent sermons from St. Luke's here. Also the latest sermon can be listened to by phoning 01704 336689


St Luke’s Church is a local member of the Sefton Dementia Action Alliance (DAA).

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St. Luke's is linked with St. Mark's, Shyira, Rwanda.


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St. Luke's Church, Formby, greets you.

A very warm welcome to our website.

Here at St Luke’s Formby we are trying to put Jesus back in his rightful place in our lives. We hope you will drop by and spend a little time with us, but if you are unable to come to the church building our prayer is that you will spend some time looking at the claims of Jesus where you are and find in Him, the way, the truth, and the life.

We are a developing, worshipping, community in the beautiful small town of Formby. Surrounded by Pine Woods, it is not unusual to see the endangered Red Squirrel, along with many other parts of God's creation around our edges.

As a growing worshipping community we see our mission as to spread the love of Jesus Christ in word and deed. Our preaching has many aspects and styles delivered by a team of Lay Readers as well as Clergy.  We believe in all member ministry and are seeking ways in which all can develop their ministry as they are all vital for the kingdom of God.

We look forward to welcoming you to both our website and our community.


St Luke, Formby, takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at


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